Thursday, November 12, 2009

What a world, What a world... I'm melting

Toto, we’re not in Kansas anymore.

Yes, I made it safe and sound. Had a short layover Tuesday nite in the gang and AIDS capital of this side of the continent last nite in San Pedro Sula. Stayed in a nice hostel last night called Tamarindo Hostel, met 2 nice Swiss guys and a Norwegian. Yep, I stayed in a dorm last nite with 3 guys… brown chicken brown cow. My flight this morning stopped in la Ceiba on my way to Roatan. Apparently there is some hurricane called Ida that decided to grace our presence and shut down the power all day. I prefer to call it Hurricane Jacquie, but with those hurricanes- they switch off the gender alphabetically, so I guess that doesn’t really work, but I can pretend.

Mom, I’m fine, I made it safe and sound.

Hurricane Jacquie is here. Dorte, my dive-mom told me to get a taxi from 50 meters from the airport and that it shouldn’t cost more than $5. What is 50 meters you ask; well it’s to the road, not too far but across the parking lot. I exited the airport; a very cute taxi driver asked me where I was going. I said West End, he said $15, I said $5. He looked at me like I was crazy, my mama didn’t raise no foo ( you’ll get the reference later). I walked to the street, the same driver was driving out of the airport, crooked his head out the window and said $8? I shook my head and held up my five fingers and said no, $5. He laughed and drove off. Another taxi came by, where you going? I said West End, how much? They said $10, I said no $5. They sped off, next 2 cabs come, I say $5 and one takes me. It’s a collective cab so we pick up people along the way. First, is an American girl with her Honduran boyfriend. He needs to be dropped off at his mom’s house and she’s badgering him that he needs to pay his fare before he gets out… I can see this relationship ending from a mile away, or from the mile that I was with them. He gets out and pays her entire fee, she says I love you; they kiss. Blah blah blah. It’s never gonna work. We pick up a native, American girl leaves. The driver and the native speak about some sad girl (gringa) who got pregnant by some native… my Spanish isn’t really up to par, but my gossip is always on. Native gets out. New native gets in with her daughter. The driver asks her if she knows where Tyll’s dive is. She says yes, she complains that the cruise ship is in town and she has to go back to work. Apparently the cruise ship is departing from Roatan today instead of Cancun and they had to direct everyone here.

I get out of the cab at Tyll’s. Dorte greets me with a big hug and Uwe smiles and says Hi Jacquie. Awe. I love them already.

It’s pouring and has been pouring all day. No dives today, just rum and water. This kid is talking and I can’t place what he reminds me of, then it hits me… I’m in Roatan with a younger version of Lanai. I meet Lindi, Jenny, Rita, her boyfriend Fou (not for Fou man chew or mama didn’t raise no foo but for Fou as in crazy- which could be a joke), Massimo (who is getting his DM) who tells me Rita is his future ex-wife, a really nice guy… Robert, a couple others straggle in and out, my mind is a little fuzzy. I finally tell the kid who reminds me of Lanai that he reminds me of him, he says that’s such a compliment because he taught him his advanced water certification and thinks he’s the bomb. His name is Ryan. He’s such a nice guy and reminds me so much of Lanai.

After a few Rum and waters and a nice meal from the chupi chapi’s (or whatever it’s called) across the way, Dorte shows me a place where I can stay. A little boy of 8 shows us the apartment. It’s perfect and at an excellent price. I say I’ll take it and the little boy gives me the key. I love you Honduras.

Back at the shop, we drink a little more… then Lindi helps me move my big bag to my place. I’m unpacking and I hear a knock on the door. I open it, expecting to see the landlord asking for payment but it’s an American lady and the cutest little girl name Beyonce, yes named after Beyonce. They live next door and want me to come over for a beer; do I drink? Yes. Bernadette, Laura and Beyonce. They are very helpful and nice. Laura is from Atlanta and talks like a southerner and Bernadette, I think is her name… sorry there’s been a lot of names today, talks very fast but is from the island. They are both Cancers and have their own language. Beyonce is Bernadette’s daughter, we are gonna be friends.

The power is still out. They tell me about moonshine that comes in a bottle that they sell at the corner shop. We should go to the store to get some, I’m not going to drink it, but I need some supplies. We walk over, by the way it’s been raining off and on all day, we walk over and the store is locked but they are letting people in one at a time because the electricity is out. I get minimal supplies; I need to get a gas tank and water supply from the landlord. As we are walking back, I tell the ladies I’m going to stop in at the dive shop. We part ways, more rum and water, more pouring rain. Still no electricity.

After a while, Uwe and Dorte close up shop, we go across the way where Fou works. The Blue Marin, it’s got a great view of the water. Hang out for a little bit. Massimo walks me home in the rain, such a nice guy- we’re gonna be friends. Electricity is back on. YAY!

I’m living super close, across from the Mariposa hotel for those that know the area or for my dad who we bought the Lonely Planet for. Pictures later, computer being slow.

The water hasn’t dampened my spirit, it’s a great way to start off an adventure, nice and slow. Thank you Dorte for being so amazing!! I’m not melting from the humidity but I hate mosquitoes! I think I have 4 mosquito bites… I hate you mosquitoes. What a world, what a world.


  1. You should be a writer!!! You've found your calling. I can't wait to read the novel you decide to write while you're're going to write a novel right? ;-)

    I miss you so much. I keep thinking, "Jacquie's probably just going to sleep", "Jacquie's probably waking up and walking on the beach"....etc. Is is the same time zone there?

    I love you BFFF!!

  2. I love you Jacquie, I'm glad you made it safe, sounds like you are already making it your home. I miss you tons.

  3. AWESOME...expected nothing less from YOU!! My kinda girl on the move...wahooo for the pics....can i come?? NOW???
    love and love
