Another day in paradise and getting used to it. Today was a beautiful day and the waves were nice and calm, the water was clear and a brilliant blue, Caribbean blue? Yesterday was my first day back in the water. Robert (the dive instructor- who is awesome) took me out to do a refresher course; filling the mask halfway, all the way and then taking it completely off and clearing it. A little anxiety, but definitely needed to get comfortable with it- even if it means doing it over and over until I get comfortable. We then went to Mandy’s Eel Garden, although it was cloudy from the recent storms and a little cold in parts it was a good dive for my first back.
Today we went to Turtle Crossing and I saw my first turtle! It was munching on some coral with an angel fish picking up the crumbs… kinda like the red ants in my apartment. But the ants definitely aren’t angel fish, but I do sorta feel like the turtle. ☺ The water was crystal clear and I remembered the why I fell in love with diving in Aruba. We saw a smaller turtle and then a giant lobster hanging underneath a rock, along with tons of other aquatic life (or the life aquatic- another Bill Murray reference), but I’m a little lost on the identification- I need Troy to help me! Have to focus on my breathing, well; have to focus on a lot of stuff… step by step- one thing at a time- just like a turtle. Also remembering the signals underwater and how to communicate without words and only signals- trying not to get lost. I start my Advanced open water on Monday with my Peak Performance- which focuses on buoyancy and breathing! One breathe at a time.
Finally got gas, no not that kind of gas… propane gas. Now I can cook, know where it comes from, who to blame if I get sick and more importantly- save my money. My apartment is slowly becoming my home. I carried my water up the hill from the dive shop the other day; I looked like crazy American woman. I understand now why my Costa Rican host mom swept every day after I saw the evil red ants lurking by some unseen crumbs. I cooked my own dinner tonite; beans, potato, onion, ham and an egg in a tortilla… life is good when you can make your own food and don’t have to ask for a baleada (tortilla that they sell across from the dive shop) sin queso con frijoles and wonder whether to chance it with the chicken; but they do taste so good. (Long sentence, breathe.) It’s pretty cheap too; it’s about $1.60 for a home cooked meal. For the first time ever I’m budgeting on an expense report like my friend Todd, every little detail. Excel has become my new best friend. Figuring how much things cost and figuring out how to make excel work for me. Those sums and formulas in Excels are definitely a different language. But step by step, cell by cell.
Oh and I got my computer finally connected to the wireless network, although I still have to buy a port and pay for the monthly amount. Massimo says he will sell me his port after he leaves in 2 months to go back to Switzerland… hmmm patience is a virtue right? In other technical news, got my loaned dive computer to work. Some local said he will help me use it, but I have to get a new battery. It cost $10 at the dive shop Sueno del Mar, but they don’t have any in stock so I’ll have to wait a week. Maybe I should have listened to the friend who loaned it to me and gotten one before I left? Nah, live life on the edge. ☺
Last nite, hung out with my neighbor girls for a bit and my island best friend Beyonce, she’s 8 and is on summer vacation. The girls fed me pasta with sauce (they put sugar in it, free food and I shouldn’t complain). I offered to clean up with Beyonce who told me that when she grows up she wants to help people- like be a doctor or a cook. When I was her age, I think had no idea what I wanted to be… oh shoot, still don’t! Sorry mom and dad! I told Beyonce that I had to do the dishes every nite after dinner when I was her age. I told her how I clean up, step by step- dishes, cups, silverware and then pots. It’s good to have a method, especially with no dishwasher! If you don’t have a method it’s easy to get overwhelmed and not want to do it, I need to remember that for myself!
After dinner the Black Dragon, a guy named Randy came over; he’s a local who reads cards- very mystical. A little spooky, but he read mine and they were right on. They said I was a believer in love and I could see love in everything and in people- duh, I had a toga party where I was Aphrodite and I’m a little obsessed with Emma and being a matchmaker- although only one has really worked out: Ivy and Britt. (Breathe, that was a really long sentence.) We had a nice little chat and then I went to the Blue Marlin bar to listen to a pretty good cover band and hung out with the Swiss family Robinson… (Massimo, Gabriel, Sibyll, Fou and Rita). I just made that up, I think I’m pretty witty. They are really nice people and they all know each other from home. They speak Swiss to each other; they speak English when they are talking to me but of course speak Swiss to each other. Did you get that? Sometimes I feel like I’m a little lost in translation with the Swiss. Actually I can understand a bit, just from inflections and sometimes paying attention to the words, but then I get lost in my own thoughts.
Not lost in Spanish translation though. Oh Spanish, I really do love you! Well, of course I have to correct myself, conjugate those verbs and speak slower but those years of school might have actually helped (ha ha). Marcos the boat captain and I spoke for a while today. He is extremely sweet and a good guy. He told me I have to practice speaking Spanish with him. He also asked me if I would be his girlfriend; I told him it would be better to be friends than novios, he doesn’t completely agree with me but I do. Then on the way to get my groceries in Coxen Hole at the real supermarket my taxi cab driver and I spoke Spanish the entire way. It’s funny both of the conversations begin with… so you speak Spanish, un poco right? Do I have a sign on my forehead or do they ask everyone that; for that I’m definitely lost.
Tomorrow is Sunday. I’m thinking about sleeping in or maybe getting up early to go swimming- hmmm, that sounds nice- I’ll have that. Was that lost in translation or did you get that movie reference?
Mosquito count: definitely around 30.

Take some underwater pic of the aquatic life and Troy can take a look and tell you what they all are! You could then tell everyone else too...
ReplyDeleteI miss you! I love that you love it there and have what sounds like some really great friends/family already.