Dear Central America,
I love you and all your quirks; I hope you can love mine.
I just realized that traveling to Central America is kinda like taking a local train through Queens. Yep, that’s right, a local train and a local plane… same difference. I read recently that Matthew Perry said “I never understood the expression same difference”, who knew Chandler was so witty? So, same difference, except one is in a plane, not a train and of course Central America is a little bit bigger than Queens, although not by much. ☺ There might be a few other differences, but I don’t have too much battery power left. I hated taking the train to Queens; first off who goes to Queens? I’m sure it’s nice, but it takes forever to get where you need to go. And it feels like a 3rd world country when you get there. My friend Ray dragged me to an all white party one summer and I felt like my white clothes were gonna stain in the summer heat and the dirty subway train. Luckily I arrived without a spot only to spill my drink on myself within the first minutes of getting there. Brills. Back to my local plane, my flight from Houston to Roatan stops just a few places, no biggie… I’ve always wanted to go to Belize and San Salvador, but maybe for a bit longer than a look out the window or the airport. I’m sure they will make me change seats every time we have a different stop; at least that’s what my ticket says. I really do love you Central America, you are just a little quirky. PS the Taca Airplane is so much nicer than my plane from Denver to Houston. See, it’s just likes taking a local train through Queens- I remember those trains being really clean to the dirty ones in NYC.
My mom said this morning, as we were getting ready today that the date was 11/10/09. I’m kinda into those things, although I didn’t do anything on 09/09/09 but a good girl friend did get married on 06/07/08. I love taca, they just gave me a sandwich… when did we get food on flights? When I was young we would go to Mexico City a lot and I remember the food was so good and came on real plates and we had real silverware. I loved flying with my grandmother to Mexico City, we’d dress up and it would be an event and we got to hang out with the Diaz’s. So, 11/10/09 sounds like a great day to start an adventure. It’s like a spaceship count-down only starting at 11, same difference right? Well, at least I can entertain myself…
So here’s a quirky list for count down 11, 10, 09…
8. I wish I could bring a nail clipper with me on the plane, I always seem to break my nails… currently I have 2. I hate having broken ragged nails. I used to bite my nails when I was younger, but I hated having my mom nag me. I think that’s why I was a good kid. I hated her telling me what to do. Mom, excellent parenting skills- I love you!
7. Nuts are always a great snack on an airplane. They are so yummy and not too dirty.
6. I usually get window seat, even if I don’t request it. I’m pretty lucky ☺. I hate sitting middle, just cuz I’m short doesn’t mean that it doesn’t suck.
5. I don’t usually drink on planes… two non-alcoholic drinks I love are Ginger Ale and Bloody Mary Mix. I used to freak out when the attendant came by trying to figure which I wanted as well as there is a difference between the Bloody Mary Mix and regular tomato juice. I would blank out on the name for Bloody Mary Mix when I was younger. I think my blog might be sharing too much, but I have quirks and so does Central America and it’s creative wrtting, right?
4. a music mix is a must for any new venture. Whether it’s a mood change, a new love, a break up mix, a love song mix for yourself (think love songs that you would sing to yourself), a party or a flight you need some good tunes. A theme song is also important. My plane mix currently starts with Dreams by the Cranberries (Sabe’s theme song), it has a little Faith (for Anne B.), Meet me Halfway (for Vanessa and my trip theme), a little MGMT and Imogen Heap (to remind me of Court and Meg) and of course my personal theme song I Will by the Beatles. (it’s my love song to myself). Music is essential.
3. Taking off always reminds me of Sabrena. We were a little obsessed with the movie French Kiss when we were younger. Meg Ryan is the main character who is terrified of flying but has to fly to France to save her relationship with her cheating fiancĂ©. She took a class where they taught her to have mantra or song to say while taking off- her’s was “I love Paris in the Springtime.” We sang it on our way to Europe one summer. Sabe also told me that you have to count when you are taking off; if you can get up to like 120 you won’t die. Ok, I don’t remember the number, but I remember her being neurotic about it.
2. Why do they put up the curtain in first class? Is there bathroom that much better than ours?
1. I just realized the tv screen in front of me works. Loves to you alls!
OMG are you scared? Excited? Hope you packed the right shoes! Thanks for the 06/07/08 shout out!
ReplyDeleteNice...hope some of this makes it into your journal. i forgot things are all digital these days. Is there any John Haitt "Have a lil faith" for me??? :) PS. are you there yet??????