Disclaimer: The following story may or may not be entirely true, speculation is involved and names have been changed. If you love the game or the movie CLUE you’ll like this story.
So the craziest shit really does happen to me; case and story.
Cast of Characters:
The gypsy: the new girl in town who wears long skirts
EJ: the new soon to be dmt
Vinny: recent DM, totally cool dude
Sarah: the best instructor ever along with Monet (awesome female instructor)
Fish: Instructor, musical man, bro man
Prince: musical master and genius
Monet: Bartender at Bar C, cool lady and instructor
Claude: Monet’s husband, bartender at Bar C
Ken: Bartender at Bar B
The frenchie: crazy French chic
Twist: Frenchie’s boyfriend
Me: Me
Chances are you’ve been had once in your life. Something has happened where you speculate, did it really happen, no couldn’t be, but then all the signs point to yes; you’ve been conned.
The gypsy walks into our life to do some dives at our shop. We call her the gypsy because she doesn’t have a permanent address and wears long gypsy skirts. She’s a super cool chic, fun, nice, easy to talk to, adventuresome and fits in with our group. She’s innocent enough and has had a rough couple of years and is so happy and grateful to be on the beautiful island with us. We have some awesome dives with her; we hang out with her after and have some good fun although something was lost along the way.
Scene one: Night at bar A
The gypsy is staying near Sarah and the gypsy shows up at her house before they go out. While getting ready, Sarah takes a picture and leaves her camera on the table. We go out and have a great night out. Sarah and the gypsy meet Vinny, EJ, Monet, Claude and I at bar C for a few drinks. We then head to bar A because Prince, the local musician is playing. At bar A, we dance the night away to the music. Claude did some air guitar. Sarah, the gypsy and I dance and even get Vinny to dance with us. The next morning Sarah realizes that her camera is gone. The camera couldn’t have just walked away. She was a little drunk the night before, but remembers not leaving the house with it, she swears she left it on the table. Sarah checked everywhere in her small apartment but can’t find it. Where could it have gone? If someone came in and stole her stuff they would have taken her laptop as well.
Scene two: Night at bar B
It’s stormy out. It’s raining and instead of going to bar A or C, which is where we usually go we decide to mix it up and go to bar B. Ken works at Bar B and is a good friend of Sarah. The bar is out of the way, it’s on the iron shore and breathtaking; absolutely beautiful. The storm rolls in and out all night while the waves crash against the shore that makes loud crashes and sprays of white foam, very picturesque. The bar is small with a square shaped bar.
Ken serves beers to Sarah, Vinny, the gypsy and I. Fish comes by with his guitar. He’s going to do his first live gig for the 5 of us and any other random people who come in. Fish stands up on the bar and starts jamming. He sounds a little like Bob Dylan and we are sitting at the bar listening while and watching while the waves in the background crash against the shore.
Prince enters the bar unexpectedly and finds Ken’s extra guitar and Fish and Prince start playing together. Then Fish and Prince decide to do a friendly battle, although Fish is the underdog he holds his own, especially with his harmonica. Fish says that he recently bought these harmonicas from the states. They are professional and he has a set that goes from A to F. During one song, Prince decides to change from the D harmony to F, Fish hands the harmonica to Ken. Ken places the harmonica on the bar. The next song that requires the D harmonica, Ken and Fish cannot find it. It didn’t just walk away. We check everywhere and they check the trash. Can’t find the DHarmonica. Where did it go?
Scene three: Bar C
The gypsy is leaving so we decide to celebrate her last night by going to our favorite bar; Bar C. Claude and Monet are working behind the bar all night. EJ, Vinny, Sarah, Fish, the gypsy and I are dancing on tables. We laugh, we sing, we dance. The gypsy says that she has had a great time with us and she says she’s buying us drinks all night.
EJ talks to a couple at the bar; the frenchie and to her boyfriend Twist, and invite them to come and dance with us. Claude had told me that earlier in the day she was quite reserved and proper, but now with a few drinks in her the Frenchie is a little hard to handle, she’s a bit of a pistol. We are dancing and she hugs me and then bites my neck. She punctures my neck and leaves a bruise. What the f? Excuse me! Dirty vampire, what if I get hepatitis C? EJ says that now I have bitchatitis C. Twist is silently sipping on his drink with no care in the world while watching his crazy girlfriend.
Next Frenchie dances with EJ. She gets in his face and then boom, she jams one of her fingers up his nose. Boom; she jabs the other into his other nostril. Then she pulls them out and thrusts her fist in his mouth. She runs off to Twist, then as she’s running back to get another drink at the bar, (definitely a good idea for her at this point) she falls over the side of the deck and almost lands in the water. Her white dress flings over her head. At the bar, she takes off one of her shoes. Claude jokes that he should put her drink in the shoe, it’s a custom for bachelors in his homeland. He places the drink in the glass in her shoe as a joke. She looks at Claude, laughs and pours her drink from the glass into her shoe, then drinks out of the shoe. She’s absolutely crazy. Then frenchie and her boyfriend Twist exit the bar.
Bar C is closing up. Since it’s the gypsy’s last night she asks Monet and Claude if they will have a drink with us after they close the bar. They say yes after they count the money in the till. The night was very good and Claude and Monet made $xxx in tips. We are all waiting by the couches waiting for them to join us. While counting, the gypsy enters the kitchen where Monet is counting. The gypsy comes back and says that they are still counting the money. About 15 minutes go by, the gypsy asks me… “do you think we should leave?” I tell her, “Let me go check.” I go up to Claude and Monet, they are searching in the kitchen for something they have lost. What could it be? I ask “did you lose something important?” Claude informs me that “Darling, we are missing the tip money and the gypsy stole it.” Unsure and a little drunk, I go back to the group. The gypsy asks me what is going on and I say that they are missing money, she then asks me if we should give them money. I say why?
The night ends, we say a tearful goodbye and many hugs to the gypsy. She says that she’s had one of the greatest times of her life with us. She’s coming back and we can’t wait to see her.
Scene 4: subsequent days pass
Well, it took a few days for it to all come together. We speculated about did she or didn’t she. Then Claude told us that the gypsy hit on him and tried to kiss him at his bar with people watching. Claude and Monet are married, the gypsy has played with their kid and has dove all week with Monet. Not too cool even if you are blacked out drunk. No excuses there. Logically it all makes sense, but how could someone who we all became such good friends with do something like that? It’s a mystery, it’s a game, it’s like the board game Clue.
Which brings me to the Game. A few days later Sarah, Vinny and I decide after playing the board game Clue that we should make up a game. The result is a little silly. It’s like the game Clue, the board is a map of the town we live in, just one street with Bars A and C on it. In the game you have to figure out who kissed who where. Well, lets be serious it’s not who kissed who but my mom does read this blog so lets keep it a little reserved. The Game is hilarious and makes me feel like in another life I’d be a great detective or spy.
With all the mystery surrounding us we still wonder who stole the camera, who stole the Dharmonica and who stole the money…
Like the game Clue there are many different options or endings to the story.
Option A: Was it the gypsy, did she do it to steal because she didn’t have money, did she steal because she’s an opportunist and although the items that were taken aren’t huge money makers she could still get some money for them in the black markets of Central America. Were we completely had, just another dollar earned
Option B: Was it option A with a twist? Did she do it but then regret it? She really did like us and have a fantastic time. Will she come back with the camera, harmonica and money and say sorry guys?
Option C: She stole the items, but it was her first stealing. She stole because she wanted something to remember us by?
Option : The camera was stolen, only by someone else who was in Sarah’s house but then got spooked and left before taking something else. The harmonica was stolen by someone else at Bar C, or it fell into the trash and they didn’t look for it hard enough and now it’s in a landfill or on it’s way. And the money, hmmm, lets say it was windy and somehow blew away.
The silver lining in the story (if you know me, then you know there is always a silver lining) is that we all became closer during the fiasco. We laugh and speculate it now, it's a pretty good story. And for me the gypsy gave more than she took, but then again she didn't take anything from me (at least I don't think I'm missing anything). Could it all be a coincidence? What do you think?
Sarah found her camera behind her liquor bottles in her apartment... but the DHarmonica, money and the almost kiss still stand.
um..duh she totally took everything. that's how she gets around...unfortunate but I am sure shes not the only one. People who are great at making friends as she sounds are great at getting around on other peoples generosity. :) sorry sweety but it does make for a great story!!!!!