auxiliary verb
3. must; ought (used to indicate duty, propriety, or expediency): my show should be a life.
so i guess i "should" start a blog, right? i'm moving to honduras- away from all my loved ones to start an adventure on my own. it sounds like a good idea, so here i go (the blogging and the moving!) i'm not too tech saavy. one of my besties got me signed up on facebook 2 years ago and i'm totally hooked, then another told me i have to sign up for twitter. still trying to find out about tumblr and flikr, any reason why twitter isn't called twittr? or more importantly the other way around? well, i digress.
ok, so i'm moving to roatan for a little bit to do my dive masters training. long story short, i'm totally a bad-ass and do crazy stuff... oh crap, now my blog is sounding like an online dating site profile. actually, i should start a blog about what not to do or say on online dating sites. yes mom, i joined a free one just before i moved to check it out. no mom, i never went out with them or gave them my number, social security number or your maiden name. there are some major crazies out there and i don't know if some of these people have ever left their mother's basement. (i lived in my parents basement during my teens and there is nothing wrong with living with your parents in their basement; it's just you need to get out and see the world!) i'm not pontificating, i swear. but... the worst is they can't spell easy words and have no idea how to communicate with other people. i wasn't really looking for anything just a flirty time and i misspell and hate punctuation- the comma and semi-colon UGH! seriously though, if you can't spell weird, we cannot date- ever. i guess it only makes it more romantic when you do find someone online. again, i digress :)
back to the real important stuff: what should i bring with me to honduras? when i was little we went camping for a week in wyoming and it was the first time my parents let me pack. i was a little obsessed with martha stewart at the time and she had on her show how to roll your clothes so you get more room and less wrinkles. i did a great job... except i forgot to bring underwear. i still am not quite over those two things. can you hear me whining? a friend recently said you shouldn't drink too much wine because it makes you whine-y. (we were drinking wine at the time.) hopefully there isn't any wine in honduras, cause seriously by the time i'm 30 i should stop whining or at least bring it to a minimum. but i can't help it, i'm an only child :)
i'm bringing my big nf backpack from when i moved to costa rica, not like the big black suitcase that i packed when i moved to nyc. its for a few months, so far...
-3 maybe 4 swimsuits
-scuba mask
-camera (thanks m&d)
-diving computer (b's the best)
-open water diving card
-address book
i'm stuck what else? oh ya clothes, underwear (duh). but shoes, really, any help with the shoes? take the tennis shoes? buy flip flops down there? how many shoes are too many shoes. i have a pair of espadrilles that i'm definitely going to take, but other heels? ugh! i could write another blog about this. what shoes should i take and what should i leave? also, purses... how many should i bring one or two? my boys that have been there can't really answer these questions for me. i've already decided on the jewelry... simple, classic, versatile, a little ostentatious- again, this is my online dating profile! also, i know what tolietries to bring and make-up, sorry i'm not always this pretty. i hope they have hyrdrogen peroxide and apple cider vinegar (the kind with the mother strand) there... seriously those 2 things will help with any first aid thing. this is becoming my crazy ranting blog. there is a reason why i never did this before... too much sharing online.
but seriously... what shoes should i bring??